Have you ever tried finding a greeting card that expresses what you really wanted to say for a special occasion?
Most greeting cards are designed with a generic ‘feel good’ message that can fit anyone. So when we found this new set of greeting cards from designer and stationery creator Emily McDowell, it got our attention.
The set has two collections of honest greeting cards with messages that are surprisingly straightforward and honest. And better yet, they’re both funny and amazingly touching.
The front of the cards feature a single paragraph that sums up the awkward, confusing social situations we’ve all found ourselves in. The result: a halting, awkward passage that really captures the cluster of emotions that can crowd our thoughts when we try to express how much you appreciate someone’s presence in your life, but don’t know how.
Here are some of them:
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
Emily McDowell
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