This Paralyzed Bunny In a Tiny Skateboard Is The Most Inspiring Thing You'll See today

Published on May 17, 2016

For any pet owner, the most difficult decision is putting down an animal because the quality of life is no longer good. But thanks to the kindhearted people at Overlook Acres, this paralyzed little bunny was given a second chance at life.

Kristin Griffith and her husband found the baby animal in their barn stiff and half frozen and brought him inside. After a couple of days of warmth and bottle feeding, the little bunny started to gain strength but he wasn’t moving his back legs.

After a careful observation, it appeared he was paralyzed from his belly down. Normally, this would result in putting the poor animal down to stop his suffering. But when they saw the little fighter moving around the floor, dragging his body with his two front legs, faster than the other baby animals in the house, they decided to do something truly special.

Christine bought a $1 skateboard toy and then made a mini wheelchair body for the little guy. Now he is as happy as can be and loves his speed!

Watch the video below and please SHARE this sweet act of kindness wit your friends and family.

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adorable, animals, bunny, inspiring

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