Man Shook Baby To Death After Being Told He Wasn't The Father

People can do some insane and cruel things. This man shook a baby to death after he found out it wasn’t his.

26-year-old, James Larkin, lost his temper when his girlfriend, 21-year-old, Laura Ostle, told him that their baby wasn’t biologically his. The man started shaking the baby and left him with an unsurvivable brain injury.

The mother called paramedics, who upon arriving to their home, found 11-week-old Christopher in cardiac arrest. They took him to the children’s hospital but two days later he passed away.

The couple are currently on trial. Larkin confesses to having had shook the baby, but because he was panicking and thought that the baby was ill.

The couple were also said to have had a dysfunctional relationship. One of Ostle’s friend, Chantelle Brury, described to the jury that Larkin was Ostle’s slave, and that Ostle knew how to push Larkin’s buttons.

The prosecutor, Dafydd Enoch, told the Jury:

“I don’t know how many of you have held a new born baby but even those of you who haven’t will know and appreciate how tiny and vulnerable a baby of that age is.

Everyone with even the most basic common sense or knowledge of the world knows do they not, that to violently shake a new born baby for whatever reason is likely to cause very serious injuries if not death.

This was, the prosecution say, a straightforward loss of temper by James Larkin. It can have been nothing else. It certainly was not an accident. It was a deliberate shaking.”

Both Larkin and Ostle have denied the charges and are awaiting the continuation of their trial.

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