This remarkable video, presented by Western Sydney University, tells the story of Deng Thiak Adut, one of the university’s most extraordinary graduates. A man who did the unimaginable after escaping life as a child soldier.
As you’ll learn from the clip below, even the word “extraordinary” seems inadequate because this guy’s story is just indescribably amazing.
Three decades ago, he was just an ordinary kid growing up in Sudan. Then, one fateful day he was taken by mercenaries who stormed his village. Adut, then only 6 years old, was among tens of thousands of children trained to fight in the decades-long Sudanese Civil War.
When he was 12, Adut’s life was nearly cut short when he was shot in the back during battle. A stroke of luck, however, brought a wounded Adut and his brother together.
With his brother’s help, Adut was smuggled away from the conflict into Kenya, – in a corn sack, in the back of a truck. The two brothers found relief at a United Nations compound. Then something happened that changed their lives forever. They were sponsored by an Australian family and granted refuge in Blacktown. What follows is truly inspiring.
Please SHARE if you believe every child deserves to live in a safe environment, free to learn and succeed.
H/T: Upworthy.
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