Baby Piglet And Kitten Become Best Friends After Being Resuced

Published on Dec 12, 2016

Friendships are truly something special. And for these two adorable babies, their friendship is taking the internet by storm.

Laura(the piglet) and Marina(the kitten) have been inseparable since they arrived at Santuario Igualdad Interespecie (Interspecies Equality Sanctuary), a refuge for farm animals in Santiago, Chile.

Both of the animals had a past that was not so happy.

Marina was found in the streets, alone and with no one to take care of her. When she arrived at the sanctuary it was believed that she would not make it, but her thrive to live helped her pull through.

Laura story is not any less tragic. She was born into a meat industry, but luckily she was saved from destined doom.

When they two arrived at the sanctuary they became instant friends.

The video below shows how adorable they are. Take a look

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adorable, animals, kitten, piglet

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