Anxiety disorders can take a toll on you. I have experience serious anxiety attacks in the past. But I was able to get rid of it, completely.
Anxiety typically require medication or psychotherapy or both ( — However, balanced diet and a regular exercise routine might not be cures, but they can help improve overall mood and wellbeing. In my case that did the trick.
Also, a number of foods and drinks may help to reduce anxiety. Here are a few of the most well-documented.
A study from Ohio State University, students given an omega-3 fatty acid supplement exhibited a 20 percent reduction in anxiety compared to students given a placebo pill.
Chamomile Tea
A small 2009 study found a “modest” improvement of anxiety in people with mild to moderate generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) treated with chamomile extract.
Eggs are packed with Vitamin B. The brain needs a wide range of B vitamins to operate optimally. When we’re lacking in the B department, we may experience confusion, irritability and anxiety, among other effects, Psychology Today reported.
A 2011 study, Irish researchers found that feeding a certain probiotic bacterium found in yogurt to mice reduced “behaviors associated with stress, anxiety and depression,” Discover magazine reported.
Green Tea
Green tea is rich in an amino acid called L-theanine, which has been reported to have calming effects in general. In one study, taking 200 milligrams of L-theanine before a test helped anxiety-prone university students stay calm.