Beautiful Moment Shared Between A Father And His Newborn Daughter, MUST WATCH

A child’s connection to their parents is unlike any other. This story shows us just how strong a father’s words can be.

Michael Jr. is usually out making people laugh with his stand-up routines. He decided to share with the world a video of his baby girl.

The video shows Michael’s daughter crying after being born. That’s when he started talking to his daughter, and all of a sudden his little girl stopped crying. She calmed down with just the sound of her father’s voice.

Later on the nurses were finishing cleaning up the baby girl. They put on a fresh diaper and all of a sudden she started crying again. This is where it gets more emotional.

Michael talks to her to calm her down again. Not only does she stop crying, but when the father tells her baby that he loves her, she opened her eyes and smiled.

This is something you have to see for yourselves. The video below shows both heartwarming moments between a father and his newborn daughter.

Watch till the end when Michael Jr. delivers a very special message to all.

Please SHARE this beautiful moment with your loved ones.

Franco Miliotto

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