[VIDEO] Magician Uses his Powers for Loud Music Payback

Published on Jan 10, 2015

Imagine: It’s 9am in the morning on a weekend and, like most people, you just wanted to sleep in you sun-warmed queen-sized mattress. And just as you are about to nod off, your good-for-nothing neighbors downstairs decide to wake you up by blasting music to the point your floor vibrates.

You politely ask them over the balcony to keep it down, and their reply: “It’s America, man!” So what do you do?

Well you can use your magical powers, of course!

Jose Barriento, a technological wizard in his own right, took matters into his own hands and decided to mess with said neighbors. He used his “powers” to hack into the neighbors stereo system and completely changed their playlist to some pretty embarrassing stuff!

Unable to change it, the neighbor was forced to turn down the music dramatically, and Jose emerged victorious.

Watch the magic happen in the video below:

His disclaimer: “I am using MAGIC and [I’m] NOT hacking. Notice the wand. Magic is not illegal.”

Isn’t magic amazing?

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culture, Life, living, magic, neighbors, sleep

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