Callie Chatman, Wife of Baptist pastor Louis Chatman of New Elam Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, never imagined that she would be the center of a controversy surrounding abortion.
But that’s exactly what happened after a Christian missionary, posted a brief video to YouTube, showing the pastor dropping her off at a local abortion clinic, where she reportedly works.
Callie Chatman, a certified medical technician who is employed by Reproductive Health Services, is hitting back at critics, saying “when They Become Sin Free, Call Me Back.”
Challi Chatman, of New Elam Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
“Everyone is a sinner. People should look at their own transgressions before criticizing clinic workers and women who seek abortions,” Chatman told the Christian Post.
The Christian missionary who posted the video is calling for prayer for the pastor’s family members.
“May God show them mercy and grace and Has shown to even the chief of sinners. Pray for the family, pray for those who work at the abortuary, pray for the parents who each week come to murder their baby,” he wrote.
h/t: The Christian post
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