This Woman is an Avid Hunter – She Kills Poachers Who Hunt Endangered African Animals

Meet Kinessa Johnson, a gutsy, sharp-shooting Army veteran from Olympia, WA. She served for 4 years fighting insurgents in Afghanistan. Now she is embarked on a trip to Africa for a more personal mission: “We’re going over there to do some anti-poaching, kill some bad guys, and do some good,” she said.

Johnson joined with Veterans Empowered To Protect African Wildlife (VETPAW) because she loves animals, and “protecting endangered species is close to her heart.” The non-profit group, established by retired Marine Ryan Tate, specifically employs U.S. veterans to do just this.

“Learning about the brutality of the poaching crisis and the rangers who are dying protecting wildlife, hit me harder than anything I’d ever seen —– and I’ve seen some crazy stuff. That’s when I decided to create VETPAW,” Ryan Tate said.

Africa has the largest populations of rhinos and elephants in the world. Defending these endangered species that are main targets for poachers is paramount. Additionally, money from the sale of products from poached animals is commonly used to fund war and terrorism in Africa.

Johnson said that her goal is to “prevent trigger pulling through strategic movements and methods of prevention.”

We don’t operate with the intent to kill anyone. But anyone that is in a reserve with a weapon is considered a threat and can be shot,” she added.

Poachers are known to be as well-armed and ruthless. But Johnson’s team members are too — some with an impressive assortment of firearms and ammunition.

Johnson announced her new mission in the video below – She starts discussing at the 1:23 mark.

I’m impressed to see men and women like Johnson serving the world by protecting some of its most precious resources.

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