This Sweet Pup is Paralyzed, But When Dad Returns Home From Deployment, Oh My Goodness!

Published on Apr 30, 2015

Meet Emma, a handicapped little pit bull with a loving heart bigger than her disability. A birth defect left her back legs completely paralyzed, but you will see how she manages to find strength to welcome her hero dad from deployment and show him how much she misses him.

“Emma and her daddy are very close,” the video description reads, and “she was heartbroken when he left.” While she usually “sits at the end of the hallway and waits to be picked up” this time she makes a special effort to reach her beloved hero to give him a loving and fervent “welcome home!!”

According to The Dodo, “Emma’s back legs were later amputated to make her more comfortable, and she’s just as happy and loving as ever.”

If this heartwarming video made you smile, please share it with your friends on Facebook!

H/T: The Dodo

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#heartwarming, animals. cats. dogs, dogs, Life

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