Published on Aug 31, 2015
If you are married, you probably think you know everything about your spouse. But what would you do if you find out your spouse is keeping a devastating secret from you?
When two people love each other and get married, they no longer are two but one. When one of the partners goes a through a difficult time, no matter how significant or banal it may be, they both need to support each other to make it through. Marriage is supposed to be endured through thick and thin, just like in this case.
When this man decided to read his wife’s journal, he never thought he’d discover a secret she had been keeping from him. But, as you will see in the video below, his response was simply amazing.
What would you do if you find out your spouse is keeping a secret from you? Please SHARE your thoughts in the comments section below!
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culture, dating, inspiring, Marriage, relationships