When Youtuber Karim Metwaly approached a homeless man named Mark and gave him some cash to buy food, he didn’t know he was about to discover that the best parts of humanity are often those we overlook.
The homeless man reluctantly accepted the money, but he had one condition for the charity. “Do you want to sit, just for a little bit?, he asked Karim. Then the man stood up and said: “Wait for me, I’ll be right back!”
Karim was not sure how to react to this surprising request, but he decided to wait for the man anyway. A few moments passed when the man suddenly appeared with lunch for himself and Karim so they could sit and share a meal.
“Please sit and eat with me for a little bit. I’m glad you’re here with me” Mark said with gratitude. Watch the incredible moment in the video below:
I hope this video serves a lesson that regardless race, nationality, creed or religion, all we have to do is love one another as we love ourselves.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Jesus
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