Beauty Queen Skips Talent Routine. But When She Does THIS, Everyone Is Stunned

During the talent competition at the Miss America preliminaries in Atlantic City last week, most contestants demonstrated their singing, dancing, and musical talents while showcasing their sparkly, glittery costumes. But Miss Colorado, Kelley Johnson decided to skip the traditional talent routine and do something completely different.

Kelly walked out on stage in her nurse’s scrubs and delivered a touching monologue about her experience as a nurse, and with an elderly Alzheimer’s patient. Her words left everyone stunned.

Kelly, who was crowned Miss Colorado 2015, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Grand View University, where she graduated as valedictorian of her nursing class.

Watch her unexpected and touching monologue in the video below:

Nurses provide direct patient care, they observe, assess, and record symptoms and progress. They are the glue that holds it all together. Kelley did not win the Miss America crown this year, but she truly showed what really means to be beautiful inside and out.

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