He Spotted And Abandoned Box In The Woods. What He Found Inside Changed His Life

Published on Oct 20, 2015

In the video you’re about to see, a firefighter spots an old abandoned box in the woods, out from which he hears the sounds of soft whimpering. When he peeks inside, his life is forever changed. What follows is a truly heartwarming tale from a dog’s point-of-view.

The short film, which was created by a college student at Riverside Christian College, tells the story of a man who rescues an abandoned dog, who in return, gives him a life rich with loving companionship.

The touching video really hit me like a ton of bricks. By the end of the film, I was crying like a baby. If you’re a dog lover, you’ll understand.

If this remarkable video touched your heart, please SHARE it with your friends and family!

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#heartwarming, #touching, animals, dogs, inspiring

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