When five-month-old Sebastian became unconscious on the side of a Florida freeway during a traffic jam, his desperate aunt, Pamela Rauseo, 37, pulled over and screamed for help.
Thankfully, she was met on the side of the road by a police officer and two firefighters who happened to be stuck in the same traffic jam. Just behind Ms Rauseo’s car was the photojournalist Al Diaz, who expertly captured the incredible scene.
Photo: Al Diaz
While they frantically tended to the baby, Mr Diaz searched for more help in the traffic jam. That’s when found police officer Amauris Bastidas who took over performing CPR.
“He started breathing and crying. Then he stopped breathing again,” Mr Bastidas said. The rescue teams kept Sebastian breathing until paramedics arrived, who took the infant to the hospital.
CNN picked up the story in the video below. Watch, and please share this amazing act of compassion.
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