The birth of a baby is a wonderful, yet very complex process. Premature newborn babies often need intensive medical attention, and sometimes doctors have to get creative to save a little life.
Pixie Grant was born at just 28 weeks after doctors determined she wasn’t gaining weight in utero. The medical staff tried coming up with a plan to delay her birth, but Pixie’s mom, Sharon, had no choice but to undergo an emergency c-section.
Photo: Grant Family, Facebook
After the procedure, the doctors realized the newborn needed to get warm immediately or she would surely die. They searched around and couldn’t find any normal medical equipment to use because Pixie only weighed 1.1 lbs! Everything was too big!
Photo: Grant Family, Facebook
That’s when a doctor came up with a bizarre solution: He put her in a hat and wrapped her in smallest things around that would provide insulation: a plastic sandwich bag. Yup, the sandwich bag kept the baby warm as they rushed her to intensive care.
Thanks to this doctor quick thinking move, she’s now home! The Grant family still can’t believe that their little girl is with them, and they are thankful every day for her miraculous survival.
“It was amazing that she survived,” the Grant family said in their Facebook page.
Well, this little girl will have an amazing story to hear when she grows up! Please share!
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