The world is responding to the humble holiday wish of an eight-year-old girl who suffered excruciating burns in a deadly arson fire two years ago: to receive enough cards to fill her Christmas tree.
Safyre’s entire family was killed in the blaze and she suffered burns over 75 percent of her body, and lost her right hand and left foot.
After months in a hospital, she recovered enough to go and live with her aunt and since then has inspired everyone who knows her by waking up each day with a smile despite her challenges.
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Safyre’s adopted family brought home a card tree in preparation for the holidays, and she couldn’t wait to fill it up with Christmas cards. Although her aunt and guardian Liz Dolder was initially skeptical they could reach the goal, she posted an appeal to Facebook.
“I don’t think it’s gonna get filled up, but I am sure we will get a few more cards,” she said. But then, hundreds of cards came flooding in.
Messages have been sent from as far as China, the UK, Uruguay, Belgium and Thailand. The video below has more on this inspiring story:
What a brave little girl! God bless you Safyre, and Merry Christmas!!
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