Dog Reunites With Family After Missing For Two Years. Watch Their Emotional Reaction

There are times in our lives when we are each faced with challenges​ we can not tackle alone and help may only come from people we don’t know.

Kelly and Ted are a lot to be thankful for, but when they lost their beloved dog named Bear, they were devastated. The couple rescued Bear and they became inseparable. They even call him “their child.” But two years ago, Bear went missing.

Ted was driving along highway 120 when he accidentally rear-ended another driver. Bear, who was in the passenger seat, got so scared by the sudden impact that he jumped out the window and ran straight into the woods to never be seen again.

Ted spent days searching for his best friend. But weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. Bear had vanished without a trace, but Kelly and Ted never gave up hope that they’d one day be reunited with their beloved dog.

Meanwhile, two women who found a stray dog in a junkyard had been keeping him fed for an entire year, but he would never let them get close enough to be caught. That’s until they decided to try something else. What happened next is truly amazing.

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