How Cardboard Boxes Are Saving Baby's Lives In Finland

Published on Jan 8, 2016

For the last 75 years in Finland, parents of newly borns have had the opportunity to take home a box that has shown to the significantly decrease the mortality rate of infants. What’s inside? It’s surprisingly simple.

These expecting parents are granted a box filled with all the things you’ll need for raising a child. It come with things like clothing, diapers, toothbrushes, toys, books and bathing supplies. This package has turned out to be incredibly useful to new parents, as the box with blankets itself doubles as the baby’s first bed as well.

This, along with many other ways Finland supplies their citizens with necessities, has some raving the country as “the best place to be a mother on earth”.

It’s amazing what a box filled with the simplest things can do for life.

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amazing, awesome, babies, health, kids, Life, Mothers, parenting

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