Entire Class Learn Sign Language So They Can Communicate With Deaf Friend

Six-year-old Zejd Coralic from Sarajevo, Bosnia, is deaf. Last year his mother decided to send him to a normal school, but he was left unhappy because no one at school knew any sign language.

His teacher, Sanela Ljumanovic, tried to help him using her own tricks and signs to communicate but soon realized it just wasn’t enough.


So she decided to teach Zejd’s entire class sign language so they could all communicate together. The result? Zejd’s life changed in an amazing way.


In Bosnia, children with disabilities are allowed to be fully integrated into society, including schools. Children with special needs are assisted by professionals who sit with them in class, translating or otherwise helping them participate. But in Zejd’s case, his classmates were the key to his normal development.


Zejd’s self-esteem has boosted since the sign language classes started, and three months on, the first-grade students at Osman Nakas primary school have all mastered the basics of sign language.


Three months on, the first-grade students at Osman Nakas primary school have all mastered the basics of sign language. Sanela now hopes to introduce sign language to the curriculum because it helps the children become aware of those disabilities.


“I like to learn Zejd’s language so I can talk to him and to other deaf people. It is fun,” Tarik Sijaric, one of Zejd’s best friends, said.

Zejd’s teacher said: “We are all happy as we are learning a new language. The goal, however, is also to teach Zejd to read lips … he is a good kid, a smart kid.”

H/T: Metro News.

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