Choir Students Surprise Sick Teacher With Incredible Performance At School

In this remarkable video, Gabrielyn Watson, who teaches choir at Morgan Park High School in Chicago, thinks she is headed to a teacher interview. This is something she has done many times before, so he figured it would be just an ordinary day at school. But she was in for an unforgettable surprise.

You see, Watson has been teaching choir to high school students in Chicago for nearly two decades and has inspired countless students along the way, most notably Peter Frank, who was a finalist on American Idol.

But throughout her teaching career, she has struggled with serious health issues, including multiple myeloma, “a rare form of cancer that affects the immune system and can lead to anemia, kidney problems, and other complications.”

When Watson’s former students heard about her battle with cancer, they wanted to show their support. They teamed up with Kleenex Brand to surprise her.

In the clip below, Watson is on her way to a “meeting” when she comes face-to-face with Peter Frank, who began to sing “Amazing Grace.” Then, one by one, former students of Watson’s appear from the halls and began to sing as well. It was an incredible moment.

Overcome with emotion, the choir teacher crumbles to the floor in tears of joy.

Here’s the precious moment. Enjoy, and be sure to SHARE it with your friends on Facebook.

Please SHARE this incredible moment if you thought this was an awesome gesture.

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