Luke Nuttall was only two years old when he was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. Now seven, his mother, Dorrie, checks his blood sugar up to ten times a day, including during the night. His star wars pal, Jedi, joined the family as a puppy, but they never thought he would end up seving the boy’s life.
Jedi is a diabetic alert dog who monitors Luke’s blood sugar by smell and tells the family if it rises too high or falls too low. In a recent Facebook post, Dorrie described how, one night, Jedi saved her son’s life.
Jedi laid on me. I woke up. He jumped off the bed and half on and would not budge when I told him to get back up. I got out of bed, he bowed, Luke’s CGM said he was 100 steady –a stable number,” Dorrie wrote.
“So I told Jedi we would watch and see, he bowed again (Bowing is his low alert), I told him to get up on the bed, he held his ground didn’t budge, he refused.”
Jedi’s persistence forced Dorrie out of bed. When she pricked her son’s finger, she found his glucose level was at a low 57. And while 57 is no real cause of concern, Jedi prevented it from falling further.
About the picture below, taken at the time of the incident, she wrote: ‘This is a picture of a Jedi saving his boy.’
Luke, Norrie says, has never woken from low blood sugar, and won’t show outwards signs that anything is wrong until it reaches 20.
“My goal is that when Luke remembers his childhood, he’s going to remember that he’s always had Jedi with him. These two are best friends, and they have so much fun together,” Norrie told Inside Edition.
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