Photographer Captures The Beauty And Sweetness Of Kids With Down Syndrome

Every child is a blessing and a beautiful gift. But sometimes, people can’t see how special a child really is if that child happens to be born with a disability. Photographer Julie Willson sees these children for the unique persons they are.

Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. It can affect anyone, but thanks to medical advancements, people with Down Syndrome are living longer, happier, healthier lives.

Willson’s sister Dina was born with Down Syndrome. As a result, she knows that each family and each child are beautiful and special in their own way, so she uses her talent to capture the joy and beauty in their lives.

When her sister passed away four years ago, Willson decided that she needed to help others see the beauty of children with Down Syndrome and started this photography project to show the world how special these children really are.

Take a look at the pictures below and let us know your thoughts about this heartwarming photo shoot.

Julie Willson Photography

Many people with Down Syndrome have other health complications, and so the family made sure that she made the most of the time she did have.

Julie Willson Photography

Sadly, Dina passed away four years ago due to congestive heart failure. As a result, Julie today wants to help others appreciate people with Down Syndrome, and help them see their individual, unique personalities.

Julie Willson Photography

Julie hopes that her photos will help everyone see Down Syndrome as simply an aspect of other people instead of something that will end their lives.

Julie Willson Photography

She describes her sister as having a “sweet, yet stubborn” personality. She loved everyone unconditionally and didn’t waste her time worrying.

Julie Willson Photography

She wants to let parents know that while it has its challenges, Down Syndrome is nothing to fear, and won’t make the child’s or the parents’ lives any worse.

Julie Willson Photography

She also hopes it will help people become aware of the needs of those with Down Syndrome, and get them the resources to meet them.

Julie Willson Photography

To show people everywhere that those with Down Syndrome have just as much to offer the world as anyone else.

Julie Willson Photography

She also hopes that these photos will help people see that children with Down Syndrome have so much to give.

Julie Willson Photography

Please SHARE this amazing photos if you believe all kids should be loved and celebrated for who they are.

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