Man’s High-Rise Dog Rescue Goes Viral

Here at Tabooya, we’ve seen many incredible animal rescues, but this is one for the record books.

This man became a dog’s best friend when he climbed a 13th-floor balcony to save a petrified pooch hanging through the rails in Colombia.

On Friday, Diego Andres Davila, got an urgent call that his neighbor’s dog Luna was moments from falling after she somehow slipped between the rails, leaving her dangling. That’s when he jumped (or climbed) into action as a real-life Spider-Man to rescue the scared pooch, showing admitted disregard for his own safety.

According to The Dodo, Jimenez gained access to an apartment below the balcony where Luna was. The dramatic ordeal was captured on video. The footage shows Davila climbing up to Luna and pull her to safety. The rescue has been viewed millions of times on Youtube.

“People on the ground were screaming,” Davila told reporters. “They had a mattress out just in case. The truth is, I did not think about the dire consequences. I did not look down,” he added.

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