Meet The Kung Fu Bear And Be Ready To Be Amazed

A photo of this Asian black bear with a stick became a popular Internet meme, but I had no idea he’s the real deal! A video has emerged online showing the viral kung fu master skillfully twirling, throwing and catching a long staff, wowing the crowd at every move.

The bear, named Claude, is a resident of Asa Zoo in Hiroshima, Japan. When he first arrived at the zoo in 2002, zookeepers supplied him with long sticks to play with and he decided that it was time to face his destiny: become a kung fu bear.

When videos of Claude’s behavior were first published on the Internet in 2009, many viewers suspected they were a product of camera tricks or other fraud. But reporters from several news outlets including CNN, CBS and the Telegraph have confirmed that Claude’s skills are genuine. His videos have been seen by millions and his popularity keeps growing.

Take a look, and please SHARE this master’s incredible skills.

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