Just when you thought that the Internet couldn’t get any crazier, something else comes up that is driving people to the brink of insanity.
People love to solve puzzles, so it is not surprising that Internet users would be compelled to solve this one.
Antley Lamont Staten recently posted a photo of a puzzle on his Facebook page that was clearly making his head hurt. “Ok I don’t get it?” he wrote… and he wasn’t alone.
Since he posted the confounding conundrum, it has been shared almost 400,000 times with others trying to figure out what in the world the answer to this mysterious math problem is.
After staring at it for minutes, I couldn’t solve it and felt I needed an aspirin!
Like us, a commenter who, after assumedly pulling out a handful of hair while trying to figure it out, proclaimed this after solving it:
“Omg. Took me a while because I was concentrating on the #’s lol.”
That’s the trick. It’s actually not a math problem at all. Do you see it?
The sign to the left reads “Share when you find the mitsake.” Yup. It kind of makes you feel like this, right?:
My head still hurts…
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