Photographer Belinda Joy Schenk is used to capturing precious moments for proud parents of their newborn bundle of joys. But when she was approached to do THIS newborn photoshoot she was somewhat shocked.
I remember the days when posting a cute photo of your baby on Facebook was almost guaranteed to make your bundle of joy famous. These days, however, you just can’t compete with the new trend of pets from around the world posing for their own celebrations of becoming a parent.
Last year, we had the dog who got internet famous after sharing pictures of her baby bump and her five puppies once they arrived. Then we lost it over the newborn photoshoot for a little kitten!
And now, thanks to Belinda, we have this:
Image: Belinda Joy Schenk / Fortitude Press
A proud sausage dog mother and her six teeny tiny newborn pups.
Image: Belinda Joy Schenk / Fortitude Press
I mean, who can compete with this cuteness overload?!
Image: Belinda Joy Schenk / Fortitude Press
Image: Belinda Joy Schenk / Fortitude Press
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