Dog Finds a Baby Dolphin Stranded On The Beach And Does Something Amazing!

When this man decided to take his little dog Leia for an afternoon walk exploring the beach in Wales, he never expected it would lead to a heroic day for his sweet pup. But that’s what happened when Leia came across a baby dolphin that was stranded and saved its life.

Luckily, he caught the heartwarming rescue on video and uploaded it to YouTube for all of us to see. “I was taking photos of the fantastic scenery when I heard my dog barking at me from further down the beach…clearly she had found something!,” he explained.

He got closer and was shocked to discover a baby dolphin stranded on the sand! To lend a helping hand, he delicately guided the baby back into the ocean. He nickname the baby dolphin Buddy, and took a photo of it after he was safely off and swimming again. Hopefully, Mama was still around the area and they were finally reunited!

“I stayed at the site for while after to make sure he didn’t come back. Spoke to the coastguard once I had signal and they reported it to the science team. Think the little guy was lucky as there was nobody around for miles,” he wrote in the video caption.

Of course, the true hero of the day was Leia, who could sense that another animal was in need and made sure to get her human’s attention. She certainly saved the day for this baby dolphin.

“If it wasn’t for my dog barking at me I would have missed him too,” he said.

Please ‘SHARE’ this heartwarming rescue video with others if you think that Leia was the hero of the day!

Good job, girl!

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