For 10 Long Years, This Faithful Dog Waited For His Master's Return Without Giving Up!

We all know the phrase ‘Dog is man’s best friend.’ This loyal dog in Japan demonstrated this undeniable fact with his unending devotion, by waiting for his master to come back to him… for ten years!

The dog, named Hachiko, was an Akita that belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo. Each and every day, Hachiko would go to meet his master at the Shibuya Station until one fateful day in 1925 when the professor didn’t come home.

Sadly, his master suddenly passed away. Hachiko obviously couldn’t have known that his master had suffered a deadly brain hemorrhage and wouldn’t ever return home again. But the loyal dog waited in the same spot EVERY SINGLE DAY for 10 long years.

The photo above is the last picture ever taken of the adorable animal, and it’s got to be one of the saddest things we’ve ever laid eyes on. The heartbreaking story of the dog who never gave up garnered lots of media attention, which in turn, got the attention of the community.

News of the story spread and many people were inspired to visit Hachiko at Shibuya Station and offer him food and treats. The story eventually made worldwide news and a Hollywood film, which starred Richard Gere, was made based on Hachiko’s story.

Take a look at faithful Hachiko’s story in the video below:

What a touching tribute! It brings tears to your eyes! Such a devoted and loyal companion, even after his master’s death.

Hachiko is the PERFECT example of what every dog is capable of when they’re truly loved by a human!

If you agree, please ‘SHARE’ this moving story with family and friends on Facebook!

H/T: Hypedojo.

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