Mother Saved By Daughter After Having A Seizure In Swimming Pool

Tracy Anderwald was swimming alone in the family pool, enjoying the warmth of the sun. You can imagine that she only wanted a short moment of peace and quiet (as many parents do). The rest of her family was inside when when things took a dark turn – Anderwalk began to have a seizure in the middle of the water. The next thing she remembered was waking up in the hospital, wondering what in the world had happened.

As family began to talk to Anderwald, she was shown the footage caught by a home security camera. Turns out, her 5-year-old daughter Allison was the only one watching the incident. The little girl had jumped in to drag her mother to the shallow end of the pool before calling family members for help. Additionally, Allison made sure that her mother was in the correct position before running back inside.

Despite being camera-shy, this little girl certainly the heart to save her mother in her time of need. Learning how to properly swim as a 2-year-old, Allison was able to jump in without fear. Now, all Allison wants to do is spend time with her mother.

This 5-year-old did everything she could to save her mother and succeeded!

Please SHARE this girl’s heroic act with your friends and family.

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