Sick And Starving Tiger Cub Rescued From Circus, Makes Amazing Recovery

Every time I come across animal rescue stories, my heart breaks into pieces once seeing how poorly treated those animal were, but how they bounce back from such a dreadful state leaves me in a state of joy and happiness. It’s safe to say that this is one of those stories that moved my emotions so greatly.

Tigers are the biggest cats of their species, can weight up to 670 pounds, and have beautiful reddish-orange and black-stripped fur with a lighter underside. They are truly majestic and beautiful creatures that wander the wilderness, and they certainly aren’t meant to be confined to small cages.

However, this tiger rescued from a circus seemed to be everything short of the description above. Her previous caretakers weren’t exactly caring.


The 9-month old tiger named Aasha had only weighed 30 pounds and was severely malnourished when she was found. At her age, tigers are suppose to weigh four times of what she was to be considered healthy – Aasha was 90 pounds short of the ideal weight of 120.


When Aasha was rescued from the circus rings, bald spots had covered the majority of her body, revealing the naturally stripped skin of tigers – her skin was “dry [with] cracked, darken areas and bleeding”. You can imagine how badly Aasha’s captors treater her.


Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center took Aasha in for recovery, and Aasha began looking the way she was meant to be.

“Every day, twice a day, I would go in and give Aasha medications and spend time with her,” said Keahey, who is the founder of the rescue center.


At first, the cub would run away from her medicated baths designed for her skin’s condition. Keahey would have to chase Aasha and bring her back, but, over time, Aasha began to like the baths. Eventually, the staff couldn’t keep her away from them.


The baths improved her health significantly, and eight months later, she finally looked like the beautiful cat she was meant to be. Her rescue was a success!


However, it doesn’t stop there. At the rescue center, Aasha was introducted to a snuggly tiger named Smuggler who “went crazy for her and [who’s] always showing off for her.” Inevitably, they became inseparable.


The two now live together, and Smuggler and Aasha are as lovely as they can be.


Aasha still loves her baths!

Please SHARE this incredible recovery with everyone you know!

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