Drunk Driver's Child Was Drenched In Vomit, State Troopers Step In To Do The Amazing

West Virginia state troopers had stopped a woman for unusual driving, suspecting that she may have been drunk. Upon further investigation, it was found that she was had been drunk driving with her 1-year-old baby in the back seat.

An upsetting sight lay before the state troopers on the Princeton road. Not only had the mother put her child at risk by driving impaired, the baby was also covered in vomit and filth. You could only imagine who was the one responsible.

State troopers knew they had to step in for the child, and they did so in a way that is capturing everyone’s hearts.

Senior Trooper D.C. Graham did everything he could for the baby, ensuring that the 1-year-old would feel as comfortable as possible.

“I’ve been doing this for a while now and that was probably one of the worst things I’ve experienced, seeing a baby in that condition,” said Graham to CNN. “The baby was crying profusely… He was just so upset in the condition he was in.”

Senior Trooper D.C. Graham had washed and cared for the baby until CPS officials arrived // West Virginia State Police

“As a father myself, I couldn’t let it sit in its own urine, feces and vomit,” said Graham. “So I went ahead and drew a bath in the sink of the detachment and was able to clean him up a little bit and get him feeling a little bit better.”

Graham had washed the baby clean. As you can tell, the baby was very happy and appreciative of Graham’s efforts. After the bath, Graham had watched and comforted the 1-year-old until CPS officials arrived.

The driver faces DUI charges with a minor, and the baby is now under the care of a legal guardian.

Please SHARE this awesome act by these state troopers! Without them, this baby would not have been saved from such a heartbreaking sight.

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