Two Homeless Men Save Hundreds Of Lives After Discovering A Mysterious Backpack in Trashcan

It’s absolutely unbelievable what was found in a trashcan in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

After the bombing that occurred in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, that injured 29 pedestrians, another bomb was found in Elizabeth.

The day after the Chelsea explosion, Lee Parker and Ivan White were walking down the street when they found a backpack in one of the trashcans. Lee and Ivan were having a conversation earlier that day about how they needed a new backpack, so they picked it up and went on with their day.

As they were walking, Lee noticed that the backpack was quite heavy. He looked inside and noticed something peculiar. He then handed the backpack to Ivan who realized right away that there was a bomb inside it.

“I said we need to go to the police station right now, because this is a bomb.” said Ivan. “It wasn’t the cartoon bomb with a tick-tock tick-tock clock but it had wires. I had seen enough pictures of pipe bombs and different devices in books, magazines. I knew what I was looking at as soon as I saw it.”

The two men took the backpack to isolated area, away from civilians (in case it detonated), and rushed straight to the police station. The police went to the where the backpack was and detonated the bomb in a secure area, using a robot, so that no one would be hurt.

With the help from the information Lee and Ivan provided, police were able to discover five pipe bombs hidden in a New Jersey train station. Police went on to say that because of Lee and Ivan’s discovery, they were able to find the suspect responsible for planting the bombs. Investigators say the suspect may be the same man responsible for the bombs in Chelsea.

“I’m just glad I was able to realize what the situation was and react in such a way that, thank goodness, no one was hurt.” Ivan told reporters.

Take a look at the video below as the two hero’s share their story of heroism.

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