A nurse’s Facebook video post about how her profession has taken the internet by storm. Her post entails so much more than meets the eye has resonated with millions of people across the Internet.
After a grocery store encounter she had with an acquaintance left her feeling upset, Caitlin Brassington, a registered nurse from Australia, decided it was time to break down why the role is so much more than “just” anything.
The acquaintance exclaimed she didn’t realise Ms Brassington was “just a nurse” and that prompted her to post an impassioned response.
“She has never seen me in uniform and said that she didn’t realize I was ‘just a nurse’,” Brassington wrote on Facebook. “Wow! Over my 18 year career I have heard this phrase many, many time, but today it got to me.”
“I will miss Christmas Days, my children’s birthdays, and school musicals to come to work to care for your loved one, and yet I am just a nurse,” she wrote before adding: “I have the experience and knowledge that has saved people’s lives. So, if I am just a nurse, then I am ridiculously proud to be one!”
While her words went viral after striking a chord with people across the internet, Brassington hopes the post will spur people to give themselves and others more credit for what they do.
Read her post below, and please ‘share’ it with your friends and family if you appreciate the job nurses do for all of us.
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