Being home alone can sometimes be a scary thing, especially if it’s night time and you start hearing things inside your house. This teen’s call for help ended up in a hilarious story.
A young 18-year-old was home alone one night when he decided to call 911. His dogs were barking hysterically, which made him think something was wrong. Fearing for his life, the young teen took his dogs and himself to a safe hiding spot.
When police arrived, they took a look around the house looking for an intruder, but couldn’t find a thing. What they saw next caught everyone by surprise.
“One of the deputies outside the house heard this scratching noise,” said Spencer Crum of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department. “He shined his light around the house and saw this dog sticking his head out a skylight on the roof. The deputy said — and I quote — ‘At that point we ditched all tactics and died laughing.’”
The whole time it was the teen’s Great Dane, who had been stuck in the attic. The reason the other dogs were making a big fuss, was because they couldn’t climb up with the bigger dog.
“I’ve done this job for 25 years, and there’s been a lot of strange calls,” said Crum. “A dog mistaken for an intruder in his own home? That’s pretty abnormal.”
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