It’s not usually a good thing to tell a lie to a police officer, it could lead to some pretty serious consequences. These students decided that it would be a good idea to do so, but they knew that when he found out they were lying they wouldn’t be getting into any trouble.
Dude.Be Nice and the students at Heritage High School came together to create a beautiful surprise for office Mitch, who means the world to them. The students appreciate Mitch for all the support and generosity he shows towards them and felt as if he needed to be rewarded for all that he has done for them.
The students planned to trick officer Mitch by making it seem like one of the students, Sienna, had gotten in trouble. They called him up to the office to see what was going on. But little did he know he was in for a magnificent surprise. You can just see how much he cares for his students, as soon as he walked into the office he went up to Sienna and told her everything will be okay.
He started examining a phone that was supposedly the cause of the problem, but quickly realizes that that’s not it. The phone starts playing a video of all the students thanking him for everything he has done for them. As he watches it he’s brought to tears, but there was more.
Outside was a mob full of students waiting to cheer him on and perform a dance routine to his favorite song, Macklemore’s “Downtown.” The crowd of students surrounded him and it was incredible. And even more incredible, the surprises weren’t over.
The students led officer Mitch to a stage where they presented him with tickets to a Miami Heat game, a Dan Marino jersey, and softballs that had handwritten messages from all the students.
It’s an incredible way to show appreciation to someone who goes above and beyond to make sure all the students feel comfortable and loved. And to show them that they have someone there to lean on.
Take a look at the surprise in the video below.
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