A family was devastated when they took their pet away, but this wasn’t just a regular dog or cat, the family had housed a deer for four years.
It was about four years ago when May was taken in by the Thomas family after her mother was ran over by a car in Quebec, Canada.
The problem was that it is illegal to have a wild animal as a pet in Quebec, just like many places here in the U.S.
May grew up with the family and was just like any of their other pets. Her mother, Bridgette Thomas, said on Facebook that she had become completely domesticated. It was like having another dog around.
The deer had her own bed and even enjoyed cuddling up to watch TV.
“She has a big pillow like our dogs,” Brigitte told CBC News. “She watches TV with us.
“She’s very smart, she’s clean. She even waits at the door to let us know she has to go to the bathroom.”
But one day officers from Quebec’s Ministry of Wildlife showed up at their doorsteps. They tranquilized May and took her away from the family to an undisclosed location.
“We are her only family and she finds herself in a strange place,” Bridgett posted on Facebook.
The family began a social media campaign to get their baby May back.
After only a few days, May was back with her family. They negotiated an agreement with the ministry: the family had to buy a special permit to keep her.
May was finally back to her loving home. And although it was a happy ending for this family, wild animals should not be kept at home. If you or someone you know ever comes across an orphaned or injured baby wild animal you can click here to see what to do next.
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