Nasa Telescope Spots “The Hand Of God” In All Its Glory
Science and religion rarely blend together in our modern society, however more scientists are more convinced that the hand oF God is at work in the universe. So when NASA discovered this amazing star cluster, they called it “The Hand of God”. The photo was produced when a star exploded and ejected an enormous cloud…
Study Confirms Link Between Materialism And Unhappiness
The more we spend, the less happy we are. Materialism is making us sad. This notion is explored in a recent article published by The Guardian , which makes reference to a new book titled The Good Life: Wellbeing and the New Science of Altruism, Selfishness and Immorality authored by psychotherapist Graham Music. The book “confirms, through use of data collected by…
Homeless' Luck Increases When A Stranger Changes His Sign. Wait Until You See What She Wrote
In the video below, you will notice that virtually nobody cares that this beggar is blind, but when a woman changes the words on his sign the money starts rolling in. When the beggar asks what the woman put on his sign, she simply says “I wrote the same, but in different words.” Watch: This…
The New Boeing 787-9 Performs Unbelievable Acrobatic Stunts
Passenger jets are not known for their acrobatic performance. The most critical task has always been taking off and landing, and it requires long runways and flawless coordination with traffic controllers. But the new Boeing’s 787-9 Dreamliner is taking a giant leap in aviation that promises to change the way passengers planes perform. In this…
She Cuts Into A Strawberry But Stops Midway. Why? Wait 'Til You See!
Strawberries are my favorite fruit. Their taste and nutritional value are too much for me to resist. And when you combine strawberries with love, only good and sweet stuff can happen. With Valentine’s day around the corner, strawberries can be a surprisingly sweet gift to share with that special someone. You may ask, why not…
The Moment This Girl Got The Surprise Of A Lifetime
Nowadays, you can’t go anywhere without seeing people taking selfies to share on their favorite social network. The lady in this video though she was just posing for a selfie with her boyfriend, but what followed was the biggest surprise of her life. When she smiled for the camera, her boyfriend did something that left…
They Told This Little Boy “His Dog Was Going To Be Put Down.” His Response Was Stunning
A dog’s love is unconditional. They give everything and ask for nothing in return. No one had to teach them to love, they just seem to do it instinctively. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see one pass away. When Shane, 6, was told that his best friend, a dog named Belker, was near…
Bus Rapist Blames His Victim, 'She Should Have Remained Silent And Allow The Rape'
In an interview from jail, Mukesh Singh, one of the men sentenced to death for raping and killing a 23-year-old woman during a brutal 2012 gang attack in New Delhi, said that “if their victim had not fought back she would not have been killed.” Mukesh Singh made the comments during an interview for the…
A Fallen Soldier And His K9 Arrive Home. What The Baggage Handlers Do Broke Me
A touching moment was captured on video as Delta Airline crew members staged a solemn ceremony to honor a fallen soldier and his K-9 partner when their remains arrived at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The airline crew carefully transferred the cargo into special carts painted specifically for the occasion, as passengers watched from the terminal…
This Home Seems Tiny From The Outside. But When You Look Inside? Amazing!
At first glance, Emily’s home looks small, without the proper space to fit major appliances and other miscellaneous things that a home needs. But when she lets us look inside, I was totally surprised to see a clean, organized space that utilizes every nook and cranny, like I’ve never seen before. Emily used to live…