The Secret To Unlock You Psychic Powers
Have you ever had an “I knew it!” moment? Have you ever seen things happened exactly the way you predicted? That’s your psychic powers in action. And this power is within our grasp. Imagine walking into a room and seeing in a split second what everyone is feeling and be so aware of the situation…
Is The Purgatory Real? Exploring The Spiritual Realm That’s Neither Heaven Nor Hell
Heaven and hell are real places for most Americans. The Scripture teaches that nothing unclean will enter the presence of God in heaven (Rev. 21:27). Because of that, many believe in a spiritual realm where souls go when they have not been condemned to hell, yet are still not cleansed of sin enough to enter heaven.…
Watching This Man Singing His Heart Out For His Disabled Fiancée Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes
Chris fell in love with Juliana the first moment he saw her and the two became engaged in the coffee shop she worked in, in 2007. They had planned to wed two years after getting engaged, but in a tragic turn of events, just days before they could walk down the aisle, Juliana suffered a…
This 5-year-old Singing “You Raise Me Up” Will Take Your Breath Away
‘You Raise Me Up’ is one of those few songs that elevate my spirit every time I hear it. Unfortunately I cannot sing it myself, at least in public. Not everyone is able to hit the high notes without years of singing experience. This 5-year-oldo though, surprised the audience when she sang ‘You Raise Me…
Newly Released Study Reveals That More Women Than Men Are Dying From Ebola
According to a recent UNICEF study, more women than men are contracting the disease. The study reveals the main reason for this phenomenon: Women traditionally are expected to care for ill family members, making them susceptible to be infected. We may never know how many people will be infected by the current Ebola outbreak, but…
Seconds After Birth: Portraits Of Newborns Capture The Miracle Of Life
Home Life Seconds After Birth: Portraits Of Newborns Capture The Miracle Of Life SHARE The birth of a child is not just a blessed event; it’s the biggest miracle anyone can witness. The portraits below capture the moment when a baby claims the victory of life as he is introduced to the outside world. Photographer…
I Had No Idea This Was Possible Without A Can Opener. It's So Simple!
Being stuck without a can opener when you need access to your canned food can be frustrating. But these Russian ‘Life Hackers’ have you covered. The video below demonstrates how to open a can using only your hands. I’m sure this trick will make your life a little easier. I didn’t know opening a can…
Tearful Mother Listens To Her Deceased Son's Heartbeat Inside Transplant Recipient
When her son passed away almost twenty years ago, Vicki Brannon was devastated. But in the midst of her pain, she decided to use her son’s death to save a life, and donated his heart to a dying girl. Her son, Matthew McIntyre, died on July 5, 1996 after being mortally wounded by a friend…
New Unexplained Holes In Siberia Spark Urgent Investigation
Dozens of huge new craters have appeared in northern Siberia, prompting scientists to call for an urgent investigation of the mysterious craters. Last July, scientists were baffled when they discovered three giant holes in the ground in the Yamal Peninsula in northern Siberia. Researchers don’t know what is creating these craters, but the leading theory…
This The Best First Date Ever, And The Entire Internet Is Talking About It
Do you remember feeling awkward, nervous and out of place on your first date? I don’t blame you. First dates are always awkward. However, this one is 100% adorable and will keep you smiling from beginning to end. new father Aaron Dickson from Bellingham, Washington, took his young daughter Annalynne out on her very first…