WATCH: There's A Mad Biker Riding On That Cliff – Crazy!
A daredevil in Arizona has taken mountain-biking to a new level, literally. The stunning video will leave you in awe. The video, filmed by drone, shows mountain biker Michal Kollbek riding a treacherous cliff side simply known as the “White Line” in Sedona, Arizona. This “White Line” trail is infamous in the biking world is…
The Terrifying Moment A Skydiver Has A seizure while Free Falling from 12,000 Ft.
An Australian skydiver had the scariest moment of his life when he had a seizure just seconds after jumping from a plane 12,000 feet in the air. The Terrifying moment was caught on camera. Christopher Jones spent 30 seconds unconscious in free fall before his instructor, Sheldon McFarlane — the jumpmaster — was able to…
Nearly One Million Americans Get Wrong Tax information Through HealthCare.gov
The Obama administration announced Friday that about 800,000 Americans have received erroneous tax information through HealthCare.gov, reported The New York Times. The government is not aware of what caused the error, but it involves a new form called a 1095-A, which is intended for people receiving subsidized private coverage under Obamacare. According to several media outlets, the…
Clinton Foundation Donors May Pose Campaign Risks For Hillary
A recent wave of bad headlines over large donations given to the Clinton foundation may pose a campaign risk for Hillary Rodham Clinton ahead of the 2016 presidential election. According to media reports, foreign governments have donated over $200 million dollars to the Clinton organization in the past two years. The Washington Post reported last…
Baby Weasel Photographed Riding On A Woodpecker's Back
When we saw the photo of a baby weasel flying atop a majestic green woodpecker, we couldn’t stop smiling at the rare visual and hope an impossible friendship was in the works. However, as much as we’d all like to believe the picture below depicts the tale of two friends soaring the skies on an…
Is That The Shadow Of A Man On Mars? Scientists Puzzled By Rover's Photo
Is there life outside our planet? That is the question that has propelled mankind to explore the universe. Ever since we started sending probes into space, there has been a good share of conspiracy theories confirming that ‘aliens are out there.’ Moon-landing disbelievers, UFO fanatics and movie script writers have been on the rave about…
UK Just Voted To Allow Scientist To Create Babies From DNA Of 3 People
In an effort to prevent children from inheriting potentially fatal diseases from their mothers, British lawmakers just did the unthinkable. The House of Commons voted Tuesday to allow scientists to create babies from the DNA of three people, according to media reports. The bill, which must be approved by the House of Lords before becoming…
Report: Richest 1% Will Own Over 50% Of The World's Wealth This Year
The richest 1% will own the majority of the world’s wealth, according to a new Inequality Report published by the non-profit Oxfam. “The combined wealth of the richest 1 per cent will overtake that of the other 99 per cent of people this year unless the current trend of rising inequality is checked.” the report…
Widow Receives Valentine's Day Bouquet From Husband 8 Months After His Death
Last Valentine’s Day was different than the previous years for Shelly Shelly Golay, of Casper, Wyoming. This was the first without her husband Jim, who died of brain cancer last year. But before he died, Jim did something so special for his wife, that can only be described as an eternal Valentine gift. Two days…
You Won't Stop Laughing After You Hear What's Going On In This Bathroom
Let’s face it, we all talk to ourselves in the bathroom. But the conversation you are about to hear is one for the records. When this mother overheard her 3-year-old son having a little conversation with himself in the bathroom, she grabbed her video camera and started recording. What she capture is the funniest thing…