Miracle After Tornado: Dog Emerges From Debris As Owner Laments Losing Him
After surviving a devastating tornado, this elderly woman was left in a state of shock. Her home was completely destroyed, and she thought she had lost everything. During an interview with CBS, she describes the events of the disaster saying, “I was tossed about like a rag doll, rolling over the floor and ended up…
This Cat Hasn’t Seen His Dog Brother For Over A Week. His Reaction Will Melt Your Heart
This is one of those “awww” moments worth sharing. The video below shows a cat so overcome with emotion at the sight of his best friend after he had been gone for 10 days. The cat, Jasper, is so happy to see his buddy dog, named Bow-Z, after being away for 10 days! He is…
Ceiling Breakers: The World's Most Powerful Woman Is…
Have you ever imagined a world where women were in charge? Well, if you hang around long enough, you may see it. Forbes announced its 10th anniversary of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women for 2014. This is Forbe’s annual homage to the extraordinary icons and leaders, groundbreakers and ceiling crashers who command the world stage. Here’s are the top ten…
10 “Weird” – And Totally Normal Things All Women Do
We all have days when we act “totally weird,” confusing left for right, not knowing where is up or down. If this is one of those days for you, don’t worry, you are 100 percent normal. Here are 10 “weird” things all women do that are 100 percent normal: 1. Sleep or shower You go into brainstorming…
Grab Some Tissues And Get Ready For The Best Proposal Ever
It took him 17 months to set up his proposal, and the result will blow your mind. Most people have a general idea of how an average marriage proposal goes: a man buys a ring, he gets down on one knee and ask her to marry him. But for levy, a lifelong romantic, doing the…
The Judges Said 'No.' What Her Boyfriend Did Next Turned Into An Amazing 'Yes'
Home Culture The Judges Said ‘No.’ What Her Boyfriend Did Next Turned Into An… SHARE I have seen plenty of amazing moments on X-Factor over the years, but this one definitely takes the cake. After auditioning for The X Factor with his girlfriend, Lauren Waguespack, David Grey was quickly voted off by the judges. Next…
Wanna Hit The Jackpot? John Oliver Explains Why You Will Never Win
Home Culture Wanna Hit The Jackpot? John Oliver Explains Why You Will Never Win SHARE Playing the lottery can improve your creativity – really. Imagine what you can do with all the money if you win. But, lets face it. You will never win. State lotteries claim that you may be the next winner, if…
24-Year-Old Woman Walks Into Hospital, Discovers She is Missing Large Part of Her Brain
A 24-year-old woman in China’s Shandong earned she had been living without an entire component of a vital organ when she went to the Chinese PLA General Hospital of Jinan Military Command complaining of unexplained vomiting and nausea that she experienced for a month. The woman is missing a giant chunk of brain: the cerebellum. The cerebellum is…
War On Drugs: The Longest, Most Expensive, Failed Taboo
Four decades after Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs in 1971 and $1 trillion spent since then. What do we have to show for it? Nothing but an abysmal failure: Thousands of young lives destroyed and a few billionaires benefiting from it. About 40,000 people were in U.S. jails and prisons for drug crimes…
WordPress › Installation
Welcome to the famous five minute WordPress installation process! You may want to browse the ReadMe documentation at your leisure. Otherwise, just fill in the information below and you’ll be on your way to using the most extendable and powerful personal publishing platform in the world. Information needed Please provide the following information. Don’t worry,…