This 13-Year-Old Just Invented a Free Energy Device For $14 And It Will Blow Your Mind
Every now and then humanity comes across a genius who’s ideas are so great that, if implemented, may change the world forever. Some of these ideas are suppressed and never see the light of day. But thanks to the internet, this teen’s invention may not only see daylight, it may produce it… for free! Max…
Two Brothers Made A Street Legal Version Of The Little Tykes Toy Car That Can Go As Fast As 70MPH
Retired Air Force veteran Clay Luthy was turned away from mulpiple jobs since he had to… When military service dogs complete their service, they are usually put up for adoption. So reuniting… Hearing little Reynan sing ‘Amazing Grace’ in this year’s ‘The Voice Kids – Philippines’ will definitely… Last year, Koko, the gorilla and her…
24 Marines Line Up And Take a Step Forward. Seconds Later, The Crowd Lost It!
When I saw this man walk to a dead tree with a chainsaw in his hands,… From time to time we find things on the internet that are so astounding that it… It’s incredible the things that Donald Trump and many of his supporters have said about Muslims…. Some people seem to have a misconception…
This Is The Most ALARMING Video Of Animal Abuse I've Ever Seen
The shocking video below has caused worldwide rage. The clip shows a family of rays being shot with bows and arrows as they give birth and then knocked over the head with baseball bats as part of a competition. Recent reports have found that unscrupulous people are using the breeding season of rays to shoot…
Monkey Finds A Stray Kitten And Adopts Him As Her Own, And Its The Sweetest Thing You'll See Today
Last year, Koko, the gorilla and her kittens took the Internet by storm. Now, another primate who found a stray kitten and adopted him as her own is melting people’s hearts all over the world. Shaki the monkey came across the stray kitten and decided that she should just take the little guy home with…
Have You Seen Anyone Dance Like This Before? WOW!
Hearing little Reynan sing ‘Amazing Grace’ in this year’s ‘The Voice Kids – Philippines’ will definitely… John Wayne will forever be remembered as one of America’s most beloved figures. Forty-five years ago,… When I saw this man walk to a dead tree with a chainsaw in his hands,… From time to time we find things…
Retired Veteran Denied Multiple Jobs Because Of Service Dog, Local Lowe's Hires Them Both
Retired Air Force veteran Clay Luthy was turned away from mulpiple jobs since he had to have his service dog, Charlotte, by his side at all times. Thankfully, Luthy and his dog have finally found a place that allows Luthy and Charlotte to work together. Recently Judy Dechert Rose, a Lowe’s customer in Abilene, Texas,…
The Reason She Grabs Baking Soda Before Taking A Shower Is Brilliant
A cleanup crew working in a wooded area in Albuquerque stumbled into a disturbing crime scene…. A quick-thinking woman who was a passenger on a national flight from Seattle to San Jose,… David Eubank may be one of the bravest aid workers in the world. This video proves… After scoping out the scene for quite…
Test article.
It was another normal day for Natalie Woods when she went out for some food at… It’s only been 9 days since Trump won the election and a rash of racist, anti-Muslim,… Losing a loved one in combat is really tough. A 9-year-old boy lost his dad in… Life is full of sharp turns. The…
Watch: This Is The Coolest Thing Your Car Will Have Next Year
Pope Francis had something to say to Donald Trump when it came to global warming. “The… Do you ever think about what your pet is dreaming about? Thanks to a study performed… After-school detentions have long been a staple of American public schools discipline policies. I think I… In a remarkable moment that was captured…