Dog Chained For Most Of Her Life Finally Get To Experience Love… And It's Beautiful
Chaining and keeping a defenseless animal in solitary confinement is something most people find deplorable. However, there are some people out there who, for whatever reason, think this is perfectly normal. Like any other dog, Sarah wanted to be loved and embraced. Instead, she was kept in a small wooden box outside, covered in fleas…
Caught On Film: The Truth About Outdoor Dogs Will Make You Rethink Everything
I think it is fair to say that most people love dogs, and while there are plenty of people out there who provide their canine friends with adequate shelter and plenty of belly scratches, many dogs suffer at the hands of neglect. The video below provides a chilling insight into the lives of dogs that…
What These Divers Found Trapped In Underwater Cages SHOCKED Them To The Core!
When a group of divers decided to explore the remote island of Kokoya, in Indonesia recently, they made an extremely troubling discovery! Trapped in cages, there on the shallow ocean floor, were two dugongs. Dugongs are rare marine mammals which are closely related to manatees. The unfortunate animals, also called “sea cows,” looked like a…
Soldier Tells Parents He's Bringing A Friend Home That Lost His Limbs, Parents Say No, Not Realizing They're Neglecting Their Own Son
A soldier was ready to come home after having fought in Korea. The soldier called his parents from Los Angeles. They picked up and the soldier said, “Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.” “Sure,” they replied, “we’d love…
Stray Dogs Avenge Their Buddy By Trashing The Car of Guy Who Kicked Him
A man who kicked a stray dog in a parking lot got a taste of instant justice after the dog’s friends responded by trashing his car. After the man rudely kicked the dog in a parking lot in the city of Shijiazhuang, China, the offended pup didn’t resort to violence against him. Instead, she had…
Wild Boars Kill Three ISIS Fighters In Iraq as They Hid Waiting In Ambush
Three ISIS fighters have been killed by wild boars as they planned to ambush Iraqi tribesmen opposed to the group, The Times reported. According to The Times, locals claimed the herd of wild boar mauled three Islamic State militants to death and injured five others in Iraq while the extremists were setting up an ambush.…
Postal Worker Arrested After Feeding Dogs Meatballs Filled With Nails
A U.S. Postal Service worker in Alabama is now facing felony charges after allegedly feeding dogs meatballs filled with nails along her mail route. Her motive behind the acts of animal cruelty are unknown – some speculate she did this for entertainment. Susanna Burhans was arrested approximately two weeks after the Madison County Sheriff’s Office…
Teenagers Find Man Sexually Assaulting Girl, Chase Him Down And Catch Him For Police
These four brave teenagers are heroes! The four hero teens, from left to right: Starlyn Rivas-Perez, Arnaud Nimenya, James Hielema and Carsyn Wright. (photo // cbc.ca) These four Calgary teenagers typically spend their summer time by skateboarding around their town, leisurely enjoying the sights of their city. The four had made their way to Chinook…
Mother Carries Baby Without Brain To Term To Donate The Organs, Saving Lives
After discovering that her unborn child had no brain and would certainly die after being born, Keri Young made an incredibly selfless decision. The expectant mother did the unthinkable – she decided to carry baby Eva to term to donate the organs to other infants in need. Royce Young and Keri Young found at the…
This Version Of 'America The Beautiful' Will Give You All The Feelings
Published on Jul 22, 2015 We’ve seen many talented singers perform ‘America The Beautiful’, but this filmic interpretation of the patriotic song is unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed before. In this clip, 13-year-old Lexi Mae Walker delivers a flawless, heartfelt, patriotic tribute to honor all those who serve and protect America, so powerful that will send chills…