NASA Just Did Something So Impressive That It May Turn Fiction Into Reality
Published on Jan 12, 2015 NASA overcame what it seemed like unsurmountable odds to put a man on the moon, and some scientists believe it is still the greatest achievement of the space agency. However, what this astronaut aboard the International Space Station just did may be more impressive than going to the moon. He…
The Reason She Grabs Baking Soda Before Taking A Shower Is Brilliant
Published on Jan 26, 2015 Most of us a familiar with baking soda. It can be used for man things. But after watching this video, you will appreciate baking soda even more. The use of baking soda dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used for soap, according to Wikipedia. However, the first factory…
Have You Seen Anyone Dance Like This Before? WOW!
Published on Mar 13, 2015 When you think of Russia, the first thing that comes to mind a cold, harsh climate, ruled by bad guys, as portrayed in hollywood movies. But people of Russia are just like you and I, and excel at many things, particularly in the arts. For example, the video below, posted by…
She Waits For The Conductor's Cue, Then Brings The Audience To Tears
Published on Mar 28, 2015 When Amira Willighagen stepped onto the stage at André Rieu’s Maastricht Concert in the Netherlands, the crowd never expected that her performance would move them to tears. The video below shows the audience trying to fight the tears back as the super-talented young singer delivers a jaw-dropping rendition of O Mio…
You Won't Be Able To Stop Watching This Amazing Version Of “Stand By Me”
Published on Aug 21, 2014 ‘No matter who you are, or where you go in life, at some point you’re going to need somebody… to stand by you’. From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes “Stand By Me”, the first of many Songs Around The World produced by Playing For Change.…
7-Year-Old Girl Wears New Prosthetic Leg On The Playground, Results In Beautiful Reaction From Friends
Anu, a seven-year-old girl with an amputated leg, had walked out to the playground with her new prosthetic blade for the first time. As her friends had never seen it before, their reactions and genuine happiness for Anu can only be described as beautiful. When Anu was a newborn, she had to have her leg…
Pit Bull Was Nearly Euthanized In A Shelter, Becomes City’s First Police K9 Instead
Leonard, a 2-year-old pit bull, was scheduled for euthanasia at a Marysville, Ohio shelter not more than a month ago. However, a shelter worker saw so much more potential in the young pup. After contacting police, this dog that once had no hope now is the first K9 serving for the Clay Township Police Department.…
Angry Pedestrian Too Busy Yelling At Driver To Avoid Embarrassing Moment
Sometimes, it’s best to take life easy and calm – it can save yourself a headache (literally). A driver in Adelaide, Australia captured a quite peculiar moment as a short-tempered pedestrian crossed the road in front of him. As seen in the dash cam video below, the driver approached a red light as soon as…
Watch: Common’s Epic Golden Globe Acceptance Speech For MLK Biopic ‘Selma’ Goes Viral
Published on Jan 12, 2015 Rapper Common delivered what is probably one of the bests Golden Globe’s acceptance speech ever. Standing by fellow artist John Legend and a big smile in his face, Common started by saying “I want to thank God — and the Hollywood Foreign Press.” Then he continued with a more serious…
This Video Of A Baby “Walking” Moments After Birth Is Leaving Jaws On The Floor
In a viral video circulating on Facebook, a newborn baby appears to be “walking” just after birth! Of course, a nurse can be seen helping the newborn baby girl. Still, it’s quite amazing. Arlete Arantes posted a video of a newborn girl in Brazil moving her legs forward as if to take steps while being…