This Woman Makes A Powerful Case For More Stay-At-Home Dads
Work-Life In The Balance: It’s About The Economy The workplace landscape is being transformed before our eyes. More and more women are becoming the breadwinners in the modern household. Unlike men, women get celebrated when reaching a position of power, whether in politics or business. This brings a very important question: why is it more…
People Disguised As Homeless Ignored By Loved Ones On Street
A stunning video produced by ad agency Silver + Partners and Smuggler for the New York City Rescue Mission, shows just how invisible homeless people are to pedestrians on the street. The social experiment is part of the new campaign Make Them Visible. The video, staged in Tribeca and Soho near the mission’s shelter, shows several people disguised…
The Five People Most Likely To Become America’s Next President
The GOP and Democratic primaries are still a long time away, and election day is even farther away. However, with president Barack Obama’s time in office winding down, the race to become the most powerful person in the world has already begun. Some potential candidates are already being vetted by political pundits who are debating who…
Justice Dept. Preparing Lawsuit Against Ferguson PD For Racial Discrimination
The Justice Department announced that is getting ready to issue a lawsuit against the Ferguson, MO, Police Department over a “pattern of racially discriminatory tactics used by officers,” reported CNN. “If the Ferguson police department does not agree to review and revise those tactics, the Justice Department would sue to force changes in the department,”…
Here's The Ultimate Prescription For Stress – Kitten Therapy
Stressed? Sad? Worry no more. SoulPancake teamed up with a kitty litter company to bring you the ultimate stress-buster – kitten therapy. Most reported side effects include smiles, joy, relaxation and joy. Sneezing accompanied with happiness may be possible. But don’t take our word for it. Just watch the video below. You will melt at…
‘Retard, Animals!’ New York Principal Yelled At Special Needs Students
A New York school principal is under fire after being was caught on tape screaming abuse at special needs students. The Hilltop School principal Kimberly Taylor’s angry and vulgar tirade was recorded by a former teaching assistant, who turn it to media. After noticing how principal Taylor treated the children in her care, school assistant…
Watch: What Moms Really Want For Mother’s Day
Saying motherhood is the most important and the toughest job is an understatement. It is the most important job. Mothers have the amazing ability to be at more than one place at the same time, solving problems left and right so everyone else can keep their sanity. What can we give them in return for their…
U.S. Prosecutor New Approach: Ending The Business of Throwing People in Jail
U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles is testing out a novel approach to dealing with drug-related crime, one that aims to clean up the streets by looking beyond mass arrests and incarceration. “What I want to do is to make the people’s lives who are law-abiding citizens in this community better,” Nettles said. “Incarceration is no longer…
This Guy Is Doing Something Amazing… And Will Probably Get You All Teary-Eyed
The man in this video got some amazing cooking skills. His food looks so delicious, that you will probably have to fight a sudden urge to head straight to Detroit for a taste. But it was not the food that got him –– and me teary-eyed. After watching this video you will see why. You’ve…
This Soldier's Dog Rescues Him By Doing Something I Never Knew Dogs Could Do
It’s amazing how sensitive dogs are to the emotions and needs of human beings, but I never knew dogs could do this. Guide dogs who assist war veterans are trained to identify when their owners are having nightmares and bad flashbacks and to wake up the ex-soldiers up to avoid them from having to relive…