When She Starts To Sing, The Judges Are On Their Feet In Seconds
When Karise Edson started singing during the premiere episode of Austalia’s The Voice, the judges were absolutely blown away by her amazing voice. Karise was the final contestant of the night, and the audience appreciated they saved the best for last. When you hear her awesome rendition of “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by…
These Guys Jaws Dropped When She Stepped Onto The Beach
The perfect swimsuit body is no longer the stereotypical skinny, tiny frame. Men have realized that all women can be Sexy at Every Curve. We were happy to see Ashley Graham, a stunning model, make history by becoming the first plus-sized model ever to appear in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit ad. “I know my curves…
Have Anxiety? Here Are Top Five Foods And Drinks That May Help Reduce it
Anxiety disorders can take a toll on you. I have experience serious anxiety attacks in the past. But I was able to get rid of it, completely. Anxiety typically require medication or psychotherapy or both ( http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml#pub8) — However, balanced diet and a regular exercise routine might not be cures, but they can help improve…
Watch: Scientific Evidence that Cannabis Cures Cancer
I am amazed at the testimonials of people whose lives have been saved by an “illegal drug”, marijuana. That makes me wonder, if marijuana can save lives, why is it illegal? The truth is marijuana is illegal for reasons that are not clear. But a new documentary by Nimbin Television reveals information that can change…
Top Five Foods For Headaches
According to The National Headache Foundation, Approximately 12 percent of Americans experience migraines. Headache attacks typically include a throbbing or pulsing pain accompanied by light and sound sensitivity, and sometimes nausea and vomiting, lasting anywhere from four to 72 hours. Experts agree that knowing what triggers a migraine attack is one of the best ways…
Study Reveals The One Thing That Hurst a Man's Self-Esteem
A new study finds holding the door open for a man may dampen his self-esteem. That’s the conclusion of recently published research, which suggests holding a door open while you let another man enter first can lower his self-esteem and self-confidence. Research out of Purdue University found that men who had the door held open…
Dairy Products Linked to Breast Cancer
There has been a lot of confusing information in the web recently about milk and cancer. Can milk cause cancer? The answer to this question is not simple. But a leading scientist, who has been fighting breast cancer since 1987, says “breast cancer is linked to dairy products, and the evidence is overwhelming.” After doctors told her that…
Sitting on the Couch Really Can Kill You
For most people, picking out the right furniture is so difficult that they don’t stop to think much beyond size, shape, color, and comfort level to wonder what those black-and-white labels on home furnishings are all about. The dangers of chemical flame retardants in household furnishings are the subject of HBO’s Toxic Hot Seat, a documentary documentary directed…
Watch: Doctors Heal a Tumor Through Meditation Alone!
The Healing Power of Meditation at Work: It is said that the root of an illness is in the mind. So, by attending to the mind, clearing it of any disturbances, the recovery speeds up. Meditation has been used for centuries to increase life energy. The most significant health benefits of meditation are stress reduction, better…
Why Crunches Are a Waste Of Time… And May Be Dangerous
If you are like most people, chances are you’ve been trying forever to get that elusive six-pack: the holy grail of fitness goals. You’ve tried crunches, reverse crunches, twisting crunches, crunches with someone holding your feet, crunches in your sleep. All pain, But no six-pack. “Everyone already has a six-pack. It’s just hidden under layers…