Here is a Fashion Tip For Small Chested Women
Buying the perfect bra can be difficult. With so many styles and designs to choose from, making sure you have the right fit isn’t always easy. But for small chested women, the process can get even more complicated. For too long, bra shopping has demoralized women with small breast. Some department-store saleswomen tell adults to head…
These Eight Habits Can Mess Up Your Metabolism
If you are like me, you like to stay in shape. You exercise, and you try to eat right. But sometimes staying in shape is easier said than done. No matter what you do, you can’t get rid of those extra pounds. According to Lauren Slayton, M.S., R.D., author of The Little Book of Thin you may be slowing…
Study: Tattoos Still Taboo for Most Employers
Tattoos still taboo for employers: • Managers ‘view tattoos as taboo and worry about hiring someone with them’ • Study said they think customers associate them with ‘thugs and druggies’ For some people, tattoos are a form of artistic expression. Other see it as an act of rebellion. But those considering body art should ‘think…
Fashion Trend Alert: Painted On Jeans!
The skinny jean is getting a lot skinnier. American Eagle Outfitters has come out with the ultimate skinny jeans trend, paint! Ye, painted on jeans. American Eagle now has paint on skinny jeans, you can stop into the store and pick up this paint and put your jeans on! This will probably be a real…
Proof That All Women Can Be Sexy At Every Curve
SHARE Having curves doesn’t mean you can’t look and feel sexy in a swimsuit. All women can be Sexy at Every Curve. The plus-size swimwear company Swimsuits for All set out to prove that you can look sexy on the beach no matter what your size with this year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Take a…
Butts are the new abs
As a woman, I know that having a firm, lifted butt is seriously sexy. Yeah, you read that right. We’re all about the ass. And here’s why you should be, too. Forget the abs. Having a tight and perky booty is your hottest asset. Booties are attention grabbers. For that reason, many women, and even men have…
The Surprising Link Between Laughter and Weight Loss
Have you been exercising and dieting, but still holding onto the pounds? Try laughing more. Some researchers think laughter just might be the best medicine to help you achieve your bikini-body goals. Of course, dealing with life’s stressful and saddening situations is much easier said than done. After all, you can’t solve all your problems by…
Tragic Footage Shows 3-Year-Old Boy Wandering Outside Before Feezing To Death
A CCTV captured the tragic moment when a 3-year-old boy wandered outside a Toronto apartment wearing only a T-shirt, diaper and boots as temperatures plummeted to -30F. Elijah Marsh, 3, left the apartment building where he was staying with family, and couldn’t get back in. After noticing the boy was missing, his family started a…
Ever Wonder How Politician Can BS Their Way Into Public Office? Here's How
The idea of speaking in front of a lot of people is nerve-wrecking to me. But I’m not the only one. Public speaking can be freighting for many people, especially if you’re afraid of sounding like you don’t know what you’re doing. Imagine a roller-coaster. You feel high, and suddenly drop in cold sweat, your…
Military Wife Gets Chilling Message From ISIS: 'We know Your Family. We Are Closer Than You Think'
A military wife from North West Washington has become the latest target of ISIS hackers who sent her a terrifying message via Twitter, according to ONEUS News. Lori Volkman was terrified when she first saw the alleged ISIS message pop up on her computer screen. “We know everything about you, your husband and your children. We…