This will be the key to your success this year [TED Talk]
We are proud to present a series of popular TED talks from the past year for our thoughtful, curious and inspired readers. These talks inspired a tremendous amount of engagement from our community, and each one provides valuable insight that will help you get the most out of life in 2014 and beyond. In this…
Domestic Violence: Does This Look Like Love To Anyone Of You?
The ugly face of domestic violence was revealed in a very graphic way when a Tennessee woman posted photos of her battered face online. Angela Brower, 37, said she recently broke up with her boyfriend of six months after he became verbally and physically abusive towards her. According to Brower , on May 18, her…
They Pulled A Gun On This Shop Owner, But Never Expected Him To Do This
One of the worst experiences anyone can have is being robbed. The sense of violation is overwhelming, specially when your life was also threatened. It’s is an awful event that nobody should have to go through. It’s hard to know what to do when someone is pointing a gun at your face, demanding money. However,…
Texas Woman Congratulates Cheating Husband in Newspaper
A jealous woman can be a better detective than an FBI agent. And when she finally finds the evidence she was looking for, well, it can be bad for the guy. This is such the case when a Texas woman published a newspaper ad as revenge for husband who had an affair and got his…
After This, You Will Never Make Grilled Cheese Sandwiches The Same Way Ever Again
All this time I thought I knew how to make a solid grilled cheese sandwich. But, after witnessing this man’s brilliant method, I realized how wrong I was. This is amazing! This is the holy grail of all sandwiches, and I couldn’t wait to share this amazing video with you. The way this genius chef…
Slavery And Rape In Iraq: The Part of The War No One Is Talking About
Evidence that women belonging to Christian religious minorities in Iraq are being raped and sold into slavery by the Islamic State (Isis) is mounting, according to media reports. Family members are receiving phone calls from their daughters, wives or sisters saying they were being taken as brides or warned to convert or die. The issue…
CRIME WATCH: These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Small Cities In America
Based on what we see on TV, small towns are idyllic places where the American dream is thriving and neighbors all know each other. When you look for a place to retire or raise a family, the usual place in mind is a small town. But in reality, small cities are surprisingly similar to big…
Oh, Baby! World’s Biggest Baby-Girl Ever Born Tips Scales at 14.5 Pounds
This big bundle of joy is Carisa Ruscak, the biggest baby girl ever born at Massachusetts General Hospital. Born via Caesarean section, Carisa Ruscak is one of the biggest babies that Massachusetts General Hospital has ever seen. The baby weighed in at 14 and a half pounds. That’s roughly the weight of an average 6-month-old baby –…
These Greeting Cards Are Brutally Honest And Surprisingly Touching
Have you ever tried finding a greeting card that expresses what you really wanted to say for a special occasion? Most greeting cards are designed with a generic ‘feel good’ message that can fit anyone. So when we found this new set of greeting cards from designer and stationery creator Emily McDowell, it got our…
Here's A Beautiful Way To Let Moms Know How Much They Are Appreciated
To those who spend countless hours taking care of a new born. To those who would not sleep just to make sure their baby can. To those who unconditional love provide strength to the weak. To moms all over the world. This is for you. To honor moms worldwide, Pampers Japan came up with a…