Dog Frightened By Fireworks Outside Gets Comforted By Her Cat Friend
There’s only one thing Americans loves more than Independence Day: FIREWORKS. In fact, many cities compete for the honor of having the biggest and most spectacular 4th of July fireworks display in the USA. But while we might enjoy watching those beautiful colors exploding in the dark sky, the 4th of July is a truly…
Woman Takes Couponing To The Next Level, Feeds Over 5,000 Families With The Food She Buys
We at Tabooya just love sharing stories of amazing and kind-hearted people, just like this selfless woman who works every day for the benefit of the needy. Lauren Puryear, a 29-year-old New Jersey woman, has been obsessed with couponing for quite some time now. However, her obsession doesn’t stem from of the potential money she…
Chipotle Employee Finds A $2,100 Check On The Floor, What He Does With It Will Shock You
It’s always a good day when you find $20 on the ground. In this case, this Chipotle cashier found a $2,100 check made out to cash. One afternoon Cristiane Reis’s husband went to get a bite to eat at the local Chipotle in Delray Beach, Florida, when he dropped a $2,100 check. Anyone could have…
Man Risks His Life To Smuggle Toys Into Syrian Refugee Camps
In a place where there seems to be a never-ending war, a man wanted to bring joy to the children living in such tough times. Rami Adham, or what the people in Syria like to call him, “The Toy Smuggler,” has traveled to Syria 28 times in the last 5 years. His contacts in Turkey…
Man Dedicates Song To His Wife After She Passed Away, Judges Are Left In Tears
We always seem to regret the things we didn’t do, rather than the things we have done. Daniel Evans is a 38-year-old father of three. He works as a pool cleaner so he can support his family. Unfortunately his wife passed away right after giving birth to their third child. Evans has always liked singing…
After Battling Cancer, Young Teen Inspires Others To Keep Fighting
We all go through tough obstacles in life. Some of us more than others, but overcoming them is the hard part. This is a story about Gabi Shull who overcame osteosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. Back in 2010, 9 year-old Gabi started to feel a sharp pain in her knee. Not knowing what it…
Woman Finds Dog With Broken Spine While On Vacation, Decides To Adopt Him
While on vacation, we sometimes come across things we don’t expect. Kiara IJzendoorn and her family were vacationing in Crete, Greece, when they came across a dog in the middle of the road. They noticed that the dog wasn’t moving. Kiara soon realized that the dog had a paralyzed leg and what looked like a…
11-Year-Old Pug Becomes Town Hero After Saving His Family From A Potential Fire
An unlikely hero has emerged in Meridan, Idaho. An 11-year-old pug saved his family from what could have been a devastating event. One night, Meridan resident Todd Lavoie was upstairs when he kept hearing his 11-year-old pug, Jaxson, barking. At first he ignored his continuous barking, but after a while he thought it was unusual…
Before Passing Away This 6-Year-Old Boy Left A Note For His Parents, What They Read Brought Them To Tears
This story is a tear-jerker to say the least. It’s a boy’s last message to his parents before he passed away. Leland Shoemake was a 6-year-old boy from Williamson, Georgie. After battling with meningitis for weeks he passed away on September 25th. It’s sad to say that his parents returned home that day without their…
Watch: Rescue Dogs Serve As 'Ball Boys' At Brazil Open For Adoption Awareness
Share on Facebook Twitter Last week, tennis fans attending the Brazil Open tournament in Sao Paulo got a rare treat when they saw an unusual ‘ball boy’ picking up balls that went out of bounds. A dog! The pup was one of four trained stray dogs that were found abandoned in Sao Paulo, Brazil’s biggest…